This site is designed as a forum and an exchange platform for the development of the “International Handbook of Assessment Instruments for Nursing and Health Care Research”

Health related (nursing) assessments in general are a neglected issue in nursing research in Germany. Our book project aims at closing this gap to support nursing and health related research to search for appropriate methods to operationalize nursing relevant phenomena and to help nurse practitioners look for critical appraisal of specific scales. International experts will present instruments on topics on which at present no nursing research is being performed in Germany.

The book will consist of about 700 pages and will be published end of 2007 as a hardcover-standard book by Huber Publishing ( 

On the german version of this site you can find definitions, references, scales and information on validity and reliability of the different instruments and methods. A number of assessment instruments are already available in german and application in nursing is recommended due to their evaluation.The german site also presents a quick introduction for nursing practitioners and researchers in the application of nursing assessment tools. Under the icon “Assessment-Verfahren” Practitioners will find a wide range of nursing and health care related assessment instruments, which will be presented and printed in the manual. The internet site will be updated as each chapter is completed.

As an author of the manual you can reach the discussion board and receive further information and instructions by following the link “Guidelines & Schedule”.

A password is needed to access the international discussion-board for authors.